Donor Update, Wk. 12: Visa Acquired!
Sent 24 February 2023 –
Dear friends and donors,
A short update today, as I have been in Moldova all week working on a visa as well as drafting a longer reflection on my experiences so far, which I will send next week. A few pieces of good news: our 501(c)(3) non-profit paperwork has been filed in Virginia and is pending review now, several generous donors have contributed to keep things afloat (thank you!), and I was able to obtain a visa for re-entering Ukraine and continuing this project:

I am so infinitely grateful to Plich-o-Plich, our wonderful local partners in Odesa, for their vital help on obtaining this, as well as for my friend Constantin in Moldova who always makes me feel at home here, and for many others along the way. The visa shown is for 90 days, but once in Ukraine I should be able to get a residence card which will allow me to stay an entire year, more than enough time to do much more meaningful work. I am deeply grateful to all of you and I send my love,